About Us
Texas Heritage Beef Company is a family-owned business that has been in farming and ranching for well over 100 years. Sustainability has required this family-owned Texas ranch to stay abreast of consumer needs and demands. Texas Heritage Beef Company has always practiced ecological and environmental stewardship before it was fashionable to be “green”. In conjunction with Nature’s perfect processes, extraordinary environmental and nutritional oversight and superior animal husbandry, Texas Heritage Beef Company provides the consumer with a superior beef product that is safe, delicious, healthy and dry aged.
Our family is passionately patriotic and dedicated to good stewardship of natural resources, environmental safety and positive ecological development. We support the Buy USA and Buy Texas ideologies. We revere those that have laid down their lives for this country and that serve this country today. We are proud to be a part of the agricultural and community network that feeds this great nation and we are confident that that all of us together can restore the economy of the United States of America. Texas Heritage Beef Company is doing its part to preserve a legacy for Texas posterity by preserving historic and endangered species of cattle, promoting ranch preservation, biodiversity and sustainable ranch practices.
Natural Habitat
Texas Heritage beef comes from an heirloom breed of cattle, on of the four original cattle breeds, from a by-gone era, regarded as the only true Texas heritage breed. We allow this heirloom breed, which has survived and thrived for over 500 years by natural adaptation, to continue in its natural habitat. Matching the right animal with the appropriate environment is a wise management decision that leads to healthy animals and a productive and successful ranching system. Ecological minded ranchers know that cattle in a natural habitat do much better than those placed into unnatural environments. Selecting the right genetics for pasture based production is very important and we have accurately matched our Texas Heritage cattle to their historical habitat.
Texas Heritage Beef Company effectively manages a disease prevention strategy:
- Cattle are naturally parasite and disease resistant
- Natural immunity is increased by animal and plant diversity
- Balances nutrition through grazing management and natural mineral supplement
- Reduces animal stress through appropriate grazing design
- Provides high quality forage
- Herd is allowed to stay together as a family unit until appropriate time for finishing
- Offering non-GMO bluten-free sorghum grain as a diet supplment
- NEVER any animal by products in grain eliminating danger of BSE
Texas Heritage Beef Company’s protocol monitors all aspects of cattle life to successfully produce healthy, dry aged, gourmet quality beef for a positive eating experience for consumers.